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The OVATION 2 Study and the Novel Immunotherapy IMNN-001 for Ovarian Cancer

We welcomed two special guests, Dr. Stacy Lindborg, CEO of IMUNON, and Dr. Premal Thaker, Gynecologic Oncologist at Washington University, to discuss the results of the OVATION 2 Study and the latest developments in ovarian cancer treatment in this interview. They also delved into the use of IMNN-001 in combination with other treatments for patients newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Some of the main topics in this interview include:

  • The latest developments in the OVATION 2 study.
  • What influenced the decision to combine IMNN-001 with paclitaxel and carboplatin in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer, and how do these therapies work together to combat the disease?
  • IMNN-001 leverages IL-12 via your TheraPlas™ technology. How does IL-12 enhance anticancer immunity in the context of ovarian cancer?
  • The survival benefits and safety profile of IMNN-001 in the OVATION 2 study.
  • What are the next steps in the clinical development pathway for IMNN-001, and what other cancer types are you targeting?

Please share your questions and feedback with us throughout this webinar; just write them in the comment section.

About Author: Hüseyin Kandemir

As a medical journalist with over 20 years of experience, I have served as an Editor and Reporter for various magazines, newspapers, and online broadcasting platforms, consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to excellence in journalism. My specialization includes medical science, digital health, AI for health, data science, and biotechnology.

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